Unit tests are pitstop assessments that have a significant impact on your predicted grades. Here are three functional ways to do well for your unit tests.
Make use of your study resources
Past year papers
The past papers give students an idea of what to expect on their exams. They are important for question exposure and help to identify learning needs. Getting a good view of what past questions are like will help to improve one’s answering techniques and exam skills. Past papers are generally found on private websites, as they reveal more information than official websites.
Worked solutions and Model answers
Worked solution is a document that lists out the workings of how to solve a question. It is good for subjects that require calculations(e.g.Math/Physics). Students can see examples of what a good answer is like and learn from solving questions. This is integral to improve answering techniques.
Sample guide
A guide is a book that gives you information or instructions to help you to do well on your tests. It helps students to organise lecture notes and textbook material so that it can help students to increase their comprehension and memory of large amounts of information.
Work out a revision plan
Revising your particular units in advance will allow you to read the selection as many times as necessary. Look up words you don’t understand, and become familiar with the passage.
Do not study the whole syllabus
Remember to not study the whole syllabus. For unit tests, the whole syllabus is not tested. It is not effective to study the whole syllabus since only a section of the curriculum will be tested. Students should identify what are the chapters or topics that they are being tested on. This information is usually provided by their teachers.
Make a plan
Build a detailed revision schedule, including any relevant papers or notes you need to look over. Schedule time for socialising, exercising and any other breaks you might have. Make sure you stick to it and avoid the temptation to jump straight into your revision.
Find a method that works for you
Different students learn differently. Students need to figure out what may work for one student and may not work as well for another. When students study using a way that works for them, studying becomes more productive and less frustrating. Many revision techniques are available, including flashcards, past papers, mind maps, group work, as well as recording yourself talking and listening back. You have to find the one that works for you, so it makes sense to start as early as possible.
Here’s our combined past exam paper for IGCSE and IB students:
> IGCSE: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1H-xrKoMTP9zqvrSricgbOQbySviI38xu?usp=sharing
> IB: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_F24eGcaubHm4W-MkPPvxtLl6SHMlZye?usp=sharing
Subject specific tips
Math: Learn how to use your graphics calculator
Despite the fact that calculators aren’t allowed in Paper 1, you should still use your graphics calculator in Paper 2. Using a calculator will be much faster and easier than using algebra when solving complicated equations. Use the graphs rather than the “solve” key, since a graph may show multiple solutions to an equation. Make sure you also have the correct configuration on your device, such as the X-axis and Y-axis scaling, or whether you should be using radians instead of degrees.
English: Understand the historical and cultural context
To get those top marks in Paper 2, you also have to demonstrate that you understand the historical and cultural context of the novels you have studied. For example, if a question asks, “To what extent could the two works you studied be considered a work of protest?”, you need to be able to explain what the societal norms were when the book was published, and how the characters in the book defy those norms.
Economics : Practice the skills you will need in the exam
Defining terms, drawing and explaining diagrams, brainstorming, essay plans, graphing, etc. This will enable you to develop and practice your exam skills in a timely manner.