Getting ready for a new school year can be overwhelming and intimidating to prepare for the new school year after a few months away. It is sometimes difficult to adjust to the routine of the school week after spending the summer relaxing or working. You can boost your confidence as you start the new year by making some adjustments to your personal habits, mentally preparing, and organizing your supplies.

Review what you learned last year

Taking a look back at what you studied last year and reading summaries of the books you read can serve as starting points. Getting your mind ready for study with a quick refresher will help make the first weeks of class easier as you will see them as continuation of the progress you have already made.

Take a look at your notes again. Your class notes will help you remember the materials you covered previously, along with your initial reactions to them. You do not have to worry if you do not understand all of the concepts that you review: reexamining and discovering specific ideas is part of the learning process.
List the things you have learned. Make a list of the subjects that you studied last year if you did not take notes or did not save them. Underneath each subject, list key points that were discussed.

Establish new routines and build good habits

Make a list of all the new good habits you will adopt to replace any bad habits you may have developed.

Throughout the holidays, you might have slept late and checked your friends’ Instagrams and Facebooks. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep so you can wake up well-rested the next morning. There has been a growing body of research showing that sleep quality and regular sleeping patterns improve performance in school. Adjust your sleep cycle gradually over the next few days, so that you’re used to waking up early before the first day of class.

Depending on the teacher and the educational level, you might get homework at the beginning of the school year or a week later if you’re lucky. Don’t wait until the day before the assignment is due to complete your homework. Making a list of tasks might help!

You might also want to set goals for yourself, and set aside a certain amount of time for reading up on materials before class. Plan to do your homework regularly. If you don’t have homework, spend some time working on additional practice questions to strengthen your understanding.

Ensure that you’ve got school supplies sorted out

Before school starts, schools provide a supply list that students must purchase.

Make sure you are adequately prepared for the new school year. Be sure you have the necessary textbooks, workbooks, and assessment books, as well as a good supply of stationery. Complement your classroom learning by buying the latest guidebooks. Reinforcement learning helps you to retain concepts for a longer period of time.

Make sure you contact your school bookstore if any titles you need are out of stock and ask them to notify you when they become available. Teachers may also recommend additional reading materials and study guides on the first day of school.

Take a look at the textbooks and assessment books that you have bought, particularly some of the more introductory ones. Look for introductory texts that are divided into topics. Take a look at the first chapter or two to get a sense of what you will be studying next year.

No matter how prepared you are for the new school year, you should keep an open mind. Remember these three tips to start your new school year successfully!