The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a post-secondary education programme, taken by students between the ages of 16 and 18. In Singapore, it is an alternative to the Singapore GCE A-level and Polytechnic Diploma. Well-regarded internationally, the IB diploma programme is recognised by universities worldwide.
The IBDP’s key strength is in its depth and breadth of assessment. Immersed in a range of subjects, students are exposed to holistic learning, independent research, non-academic activities, and flourish in world-class education system.
IB students are required to take a total of 6 examinable subjects, 3 at higher level (HL) and 3 at standard level (SL). In general, IB subjects that are taken at HL tend to be more challenging as compared to their SL counterparts. IB advises an estimated 240 hours of instruction time for HL subjects and 160 hours for SL subjects.
What is the IB Diploma Programme?
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a post-secondary education programme, taken by students between the ages of 16 and 18. In Singapore, it is an alternative to the Singapore GCE A-level and Polytechnic Diploma. Well-regarded internationally, the IB diploma programme is recognised by universities worldwide.
The IBDP’s key strength is in its depth and breadth of assessment. Immersed in a range of subjects, students are exposed to holistic learning, independent research, non-academic activities, and flourish in world-class education system.
IB students are required to take a total of 6 examinable subjects, 3 at higher level (HL) and 3 at standard level (SL). In general, IB subjects that are taken at HL tend to be more challenging as compared to their SL counterparts. IB advises an estimated 240 hours of instruction time for HL subjects and 160 hours for SL subjects.
Apart from the final IB exams, IB students are also required to complete additional coursework components, majority of which counting towards their final IB grades. Typically, these courseworks are completed over several months. To do so, students will have to embark on their own independent research, typically with assistance from resources beyond their curriculum and IB tutors.
The three coursework components IB diploma students will have to complete are:
- Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
- Extended Essay (EE)
- Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)
The IB Diploma Structure
IB students are required to take a total of 6 examinable subjects, 3 at higher level (HL) and 3 at standard level (SL). In general, IB subjects that are taken at HL tend to be more challenging as compared to their SL counterparts. IB advises an estimated 240 hours of instruction time for HL subjects and 160 hours for SL subjects. Some subjects like ESS, Math studies, and Further Maths are only available at one level.
Apart from the final IB exams, IB students are also required to complete additional coursework components, majority of which counting towards their final IB grades. Typically, these courseworks are completed over several months. To do so, students will have to embark on their own independent research, typically with assistance from resources beyond their curriculum and IB tutors.
The three coursework components IB diploma students will have to complete are:
The IB aims to nurture students who are principled, risk-takers, open-minded and thinkers. The organisation’s dedication to creating a community of life-long learners well-versed in the values of citizenship and moral practice is clear. An intellectually challenging curricula, the IB exams often have a global average of 30 points. In the past years, students from Singapore have outperformed the global average in the IB exams. Students taking the IB at ACS (Independent), SJI (Independent) account for almost half of the world’s 45 pointers in the IB. To do well in the IB, students should focus on IB content mastery, do well in IB coursework like the IA, EE, and TOK.
QE is Singapore’s leading IB tuition specialists. We offer a range of IB tuition programmes for students in Singapore IB schools, International IB schools (online classes). All IB programmes are intelligently designed by IB examiners, IB graduates from Singapore’s leading schools. These courses provide comprehensive coverage on textbook content, question practice, review, and IB coursework. Read more about our IB tuition programmes here.
The programme offers a chance for the all-rounder to shine, while providing those with a clear focus of their ambitions with a worthwhile grounding for further study.
UC Essays攻略:如何写出打动招生官的Personal Insight Questions
加利福尼亚大学(University of California,简称UC系统)是美国最著名的公立大学系统之一,包括10所校园,如加州大学伯克利分校、洛杉矶分校、圣地亚哥分校等。UC系统以卓越的学术声誉和丰富的科研资源闻名,多个分校在全球大学排名中名列前茅。 UC 的申请中,Personal Insight Questions(PIQs) 是不可忽视的一个环节。相比传统的个人陈述,PIQs更侧重于展示申请者的个人背景、成就和独特性。今天,我们将为大家提供一份关于如何写出成功UC Essays的攻略,帮助大家在激烈的申请竞争中脱颖而出。 一、什么是PIQs? 在UC申请中,PIQs是对学生个性、背景和领导力等方面的深度挖掘。每位申请者需要回答4个问题,每个问题最多350字,这要求学生在有限的字数中展示自己最真实的一面。UC通过这些问题了解学生的思维方式、解决问题的能力,以及对未来的思考。因此,PIQs是你向招生官展示个性和独特性的重要机会。 二、写作技巧与建议 要写出一份打动招生官的PIQ,以下几点至关重要: 1. 讲故事,展现你的成长 避免简单列举成就或经历,招生官希望看到的是一个故事。通过一个具体的例子来展现你如何面对挑战、如何解决问题、如何成长。通过真实的故事,你的经历会变得更加生动,给招生官留下深刻印象。 2. 突出个性和独特性 PIQs是你展示个人特点的舞台。通过你的答案,让招生官了解你的价值观、兴趣、背景和思考方式。例如,可以谈谈你如何参与社区活动,如何发挥领导力,或者你如何克服某个特别的挑战。这些个人经历远比单纯的学术成就更能打动人心。 3. 简洁而有力的表达 虽然PIQs有350字的限制,但这并不意味着你可以随便写。每一句话都要清晰、简洁,并且有深度。避免空洞的描述,要让你的文字体现出反思、成长和改变。 4. 展示反思与自我提升 招生官不仅仅关注你做了什么,更关注你从经历中学到了什么。反思是成功PIQ的关键。让招生官看到你如何从经历中成长,如何将过去的经历转化为对未来的规划。 三、具体问题解析与写作示例 [...]
加州大学的文书要求虽然看似简单,仅需350个单词,但实际上,这一短小的篇幅却承载着巨大的挑战。在这么有限的空间内,你不仅需要呈现自己的成长与转变,还要深刻表达你的个人价值观和思考。 关键在于,将个人经历与更广泛的社会背景结合起来,彰显你对社会的责任感和对社区的贡献。这意味着你需要通过真实的故事,展示你如何积极影响周围的人,以及你如何在不同的环境中应对挑战和机遇。 撰写这篇文书时,每一个字句都应经过仔细推敲,确保准确传达出你的独特性和潜力。使用具体的实例来说明你的经历,并反思这些经历如何塑造了你的世界观和未来的目标。 此外,尽量让你的故事引人入胜,激发读者的共鸣。通过展现自己的真实感受和深刻思考,招生官能够感受到你对未来的热情和承诺。总之,成功的UC文书应当平衡个人故事与社会影响,让你的声音在这短短的篇幅中更加响亮。 以下分享4篇成功文书: Essay 1: Creative Side Growing up in a small coastal town, I often spent time alone wandering along the beach collecting pieces of driftwood. These weren’t [...]
《技术指南》准备美国大学早申+写出优秀Common App和补充文书
导言:早申的重要性 通过早申(Early Decision,ED 或 Early Action,EA)申请美国大学,可以提升你的录取几率。ED是具有约束力的,意味着如果你被录取,就必须入学该校;而EA则没有约束力,但可以提前获得录取决定。 第一步:制定详细的申请时间表 制定详细时间表 准备早申时,需要高效地管理各种任务。以下是时间安排的技术性细分: 6月-7月:确定你的大学清单,了解哪些学校提供早申(ED或EA)。开始头脑风暴文书题目。 8月:开始撰写Common App文书,研究目标学校的补充文书。 9月-10月:打磨文书,收集推荐信、考试成绩、成绩单等额外材料。 11月1日:提交早申申请。 示例: 如果你打算申请哈佛大学(EA)和宾夕法尼亚大学(ED),使用电子表格记录两者的截止日期和文书要求。哈佛的补充文书可能会让你阐述你的学术兴趣,而宾大则要求你解释为什么宾大的学术项目适合你的职业目标。 第二步:撰写有效的Common App文书 Common App文书是展示你个性和思维深度的机会。以下是如何应对的技巧: 选择合适的题目 Common App提供了七个文书题目,目的是帮助你展现个性、智慧和视角。成功的关键在于选择一个能让你进行深刻自我反思和讲故事的题目。例如: 题目1:分享一个与你身份相关的故事。 题目2:反思你曾面临的一个挑战。 [...]
被藤校录取是许多学生的梦想,但在成千上万的顶尖申请者中脱颖而出,不仅仅需要优秀的成绩和考试分数。一个全面的作品集,展示你的学术卓越、课外成就和领导能力,能够显著提升你的录取机会。而参加全球性作文竞赛、数学和科学奥林匹克竞赛、商业挑战和跨学科比赛是展示这些能力的最佳途径之一。以下是为申请藤校打造出色作品集时,值得考虑参与的关键比赛指南: 1. 全球性作文竞赛 作文竞赛能展示你分析复杂问题、构建精细论点和有效表达思想的能力。这些都是藤校招生官非常重视的关键技能。 John Locke Institute Essay Competition:提供政治、哲学、经济学、历史、心理学和法律等领域的选题,这项声誉卓著的比赛鼓励批判性思考和强有力的论证能力,对于任何藤校申请者来说都是加分项。 The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition:面向英联邦国家的学生,旨在通过写作探讨全球问题和社会变革,展现你与世界事务的互动能力。 The New York Times Student Editorial Contest:撰写关于时事的社论,可以展示你对全球和社会挑战的了解。若能在《纽约时报》上发表作品,将极大提升你的申请竞争力。 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards:如果你在美国或就读于海外的美国学校,赢得这一奖项是极具声望的荣誉,藤校招生非常认可它作为创造力和学术卓越的标志。 Royal Economic Society Essay Competition:针对经济学兴趣的学生,这项比赛为探索经济议题提供了平台,展示你对全球金融体系的理解。 The [...]