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The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a post-secondary education programme, taken by students between the ages of 16 and 18. In Singapore, it is an alternative to the Singapore GCE A-level and Polytechnic Diploma. Well-regarded internationally, the IB diploma programme is recognised by universities worldwide.

The IBDP’s key strength is in its depth and breadth of assessment. Immersed in a range of subjects, students are exposed to holistic learning, independent research, non-academic activities, and flourish in world-class education system. 

IB students are required to take a total of 6 examinable subjects, 3 at higher level (HL) and 3 at standard level (SL). In general, IB subjects that are taken at HL tend to be more challenging as compared to their SL counterparts. IB advises an estimated 240 hours of instruction time for HL subjects and 160 hours for SL subjects.

What is the IB Diploma Programme?

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a post-secondary education programme, taken by students between the ages of 16 and 18. In Singapore, it is an alternative to the Singapore GCE A-level and Polytechnic Diploma. Well-regarded internationally, the IB diploma programme is recognised by universities worldwide.

The IBDP’s key strength is in its depth and breadth of assessment. Immersed in a range of subjects, students are exposed to holistic learning, independent research, non-academic activities, and flourish in world-class education system.

IB students are required to take a total of 6 examinable subjects, 3 at higher level (HL) and 3 at standard level (SL). In general, IB subjects that are taken at HL tend to be more challenging as compared to their SL counterparts. IB advises an estimated 240 hours of instruction time for HL subjects and 160 hours for SL subjects. 

Apart from the final IB exams, IB students are also required to complete additional coursework components, majority of which counting towards their final IB grades. Typically, these courseworks are completed over several months. To do so, students will have to embark on their own independent research, typically with assistance from resources beyond their curriculum and IB tutors.

The three coursework components IB diploma students will have to complete are:

  1. Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
  2. Extended Essay (EE)
  3. Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)


The IB Diploma Structure

IB students are required to take a total of 6 examinable subjects, 3 at higher level (HL) and 3 at standard level (SL). In general, IB subjects that are taken at HL tend to be more challenging as compared to their SL counterparts. IB advises an estimated 240 hours of instruction time for HL subjects and 160 hours for SL subjects. Some subjects like ESS, Math studies, and Further Maths are only available at one level.

  • Usually taken in the IB student’s first language
  • Requires fluency in the chosen language
  • Studies literary texts in the language
  • A language they have no prior study (ab initio) or build on pre-existing knowledge of a language.
  • Develops language-learning ability
  • Cultivates a deeper understanding of another culture.
  • Subjects in humanities
  • Includes History, Geography, Economics, and Business & Management.
  • Traditional sciences: Chemistry, Physics, and Biology
  • Includes Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS), Computer science, Design Technology, Sports science.
  • Focus on abstract mathematical theories: Analysis and Approaches (AA)
  • Focus on practical applications of mathematical concepts: Application and Interpretation (AI)
  • Visual arts, Drama, Film and Music
  • Students can also opt to take a further subject in a language, a social science, or a science.
The IB structure focuses also on coursework

Apart from the final IB exams, IB students are also required to complete additional coursework components, majority of which counting towards their final IB grades. Typically, these courseworks are completed over several months. To do so, students will have to embark on their own independent research, typically with assistance from resources beyond their curriculum and IB tutors.

The three coursework components IB diploma students will have to complete are:

The Theory of Knowledge (TOK) paper is a compulsory component of the IB diploma. Unique to IB, the TOK paper is an interdisciplinary study in critical thinking which encourages students to discuss the extent and limits of knowledge in an epistemological fashion. This component of the IB diploma is typically completed in the student’s second year of the IB diploma.

The Extended Essay (EE) is a 4,000 word in-depth study in an IB subject or specific area of the student’s choice.

Combined with the Extended Essay (EE), the TOK essay makes up the additional 3 bonus IB points to the perfect IB score of 45.

The CAS is a compulsory component of the IB diploma that encourages IB students to be well-rounded and community aware. It does not account for any of the final IB points.

To complete this IB module, students will have to complete 150 hours over the 2 years of the IB Diploma Programme.

Is your child struggling to keep up with the IB syllabus?

The IB aims to nurture students who are principled, risk-takers, open-minded and thinkers. The organisation’s dedication to creating a community of life-long learners well-versed in the values of citizenship and moral practice is clear. An intellectually challenging curricula, the IB exams often have a global average of 30 points. In the past years, students from Singapore have outperformed the global average in the IB exams. Students taking the IB at ACS (Independent), SJI (Independent) account for almost half of the world’s 45 pointers in the IB. To do well in the IB, students should focus on IB content mastery, do well in IB coursework like the IA, EE, and TOK.

QE is Singapore’s leading IB tuition specialists. We offer a range of IB tuition programmes for students in Singapore IB schools, International IB schools (online classes). All IB programmes are intelligently designed by IB examiners, IB graduates from Singapore’s leading schools. These courses provide comprehensive coverage on textbook content, question practice, review, and IB coursework. Read more about our IB tuition programmes here.

The programme offers a chance for the all-rounder to shine, while providing those with a clear focus of their ambitions with a worthwhile grounding for further study.

Learn how QE can help boost your child’s IB score.



数学内部评估(IA)是国际文凭项目的重要组成部分。这是一项由学生主导的探索性项目,旨在让学生深入研究他们感兴趣的数学概念或问题。数学 IA 是一份 12-20 页的报告,展示了学生在独立研究、数据分析、数学概念应用以及以清晰连贯方式展示研究结果方面的能力。 通过 IA,学生能够获得以下益处: 全面评估:IA 为学生提供了展示研究技能的机会,同时也是对其数学能力的更全面评估。 培养关键技能:解决问题、逻辑推理、数据分析和沟通能力在学术和职业领域中至关重要。 数学在现实世界中的应用:IA 可以帮助学生将课程中学习到的抽象数学知识与现实生活中的应用相结合。 培养大学和研究环境中的研究与分析技能:学生在 IA 中所获得的研究和分析技能可以为他们在大学和未来的研究中打下坚实基础。 在本指南中,我们将讨论如何组织一份成功的数学 IA。 IA 封面 封面应包含以下内容:A) 标题:数学 IA 的标题应简洁明了,并能准确反映探索的重点,让读者清楚 IA 的内容。B) 国际文凭考生编号:这是国际文凭组织为你提供的唯一标识号,通常由三个字母和三个数字组成(如 ABC123)。考生编号有助于在评估期间识别你的作品并确保匿名性。C) 考试时段:注明提交 [...]


加州大学的文书要求看似简单,仅有350个单词,但其中包含的挑战却不容小觑。 在这有限的篇幅中,你不仅需要展示自己的成长和转变,还要深刻表达个人的价值观与思考。更重要的是,文书还需从个人经历上升到群体和社会的层面,彰显你的社会责任感和对社区的贡献。这无疑是一项艰巨的任务,每个字句都要精心推敲,以确保文书的每一部分都能精准传达出你的独特性与潜力。 以下分享4篇成功文书: Essay 1: Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem-solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe [...]


内部评估(IA)是国际文凭(IB)经济学课程的重要组成部分。这是一篇对所选文章的书面评论,文章介绍了一项政府政策。学生应就该文章撰写 800 字的评论,并结合所选的关键经济概念(从国际文凭组织提供的 9 个概念中选出)。 为了帮助你撰写成功的经济学IA,以下是逐步指南。 IA 的评分标准如下 第一步:封面 在你的IA开头放置一个封面,包含以下详细信息: IA标题 IB学生编号(格式为“ABC123”) 文章来源和标题 课程期次(例如,2024年5月) IA概念点:(例如:Efficiency) IA字数 第二步:选择合适的IA文章 IA的第一部分应集中在你选择的文章上。选择一篇相关的文章,文章应包含与经济理论相关的经济数据和利益相关者,这些都可以应用于你的评论。使用恰当的术语,并引用文章。你的评论应评估一个国家为解决特定经济问题而提出的经济解决方案。这将帮助你评估该方案的有效性及其对利益相关者的影响。例如: “马来西亚提议的糖税以应对肥胖问题” “澳大利亚在COVID-19期间的降息” “美国在COVID-19期间的财政刺激政策” “英国对来自欧盟的电动车征收关税” 你的评论应包括: 讨论的经济学概念(Efficiency, Equity, Intervention等) [...]


你的个人陈述本质上就是向牛津剑桥招生团队介绍自己,并解释为什么他们应该录取你。这是一份在整个申请过程中会产生持久影响的文书,因此你需要给人留下最好的第一印象。 由于你只有有限的空间来表达自己——UCAS 框中只有 4,000 个字符或 47 行(以你首先达到的限制为准),相当于一整页 A4 纸——你需要让每个句子都发挥作用。重要的是要记住,你只能写一份个人陈述,该陈述将发送给你选择的所有大学。你的陈述需要尽可能针对你申请的每一门课程进行量身定制,因为你不希望导师对你对他们大学和课程的承诺产生怀疑。 招生团队不仅对你取得的成就或获得的成绩感兴趣;他们正在寻找对课程有正确态度的申请人。他们需要能够付出更多努力、真正理解该学科并具备在所选领域取得成功所需素质的申请人。所有这些都可以通过一份写得很好的个人陈述来表达。 为什么应该是你? 他们希望看到你在学术上最好的一面、你对所申请课程和学科的热情以及与你的学科相关的学术成就的概述。在你的个人陈述中,应包括以下内容: 你已经完成或打算进行的任何与学科相关的工作经历 你参加过的任何提高你知识的课程或讲座 展示你在课堂之外对该领域的兴趣 你读过的书籍、文章和论文的相关列表 尽量不要简单地列出你做过的事情,而是尝试展示你的阅读和经历如何扩展了你的知识并培养了你对所选学科的兴趣和理解。相关的课外活动和成就也应提及,但你为这一部分分配的篇幅应根据你申请的大学而定。对于申请牛津大学、剑桥大学或帝国理工大学的学生,课外活动应该放在脚注中提及,重点放在你的学术成就上。申请拉夫堡大学等大学的学生需要更详细地列出他们的课外成就。这些大学看重你能为整个学院带来什么,支持课外活动可以表明你很适合。 1. 写作前的准备 个人陈述的开头有无数种方式,而且往往是许多学生都难以把握的部分。没有正确的开头方式,有些申请者选择以与他们的兴趣相关的引言开头,而另一些申请者则以一个轶事开头,以了解他们对这个主题的好奇心从何而来。 你的开头将为个人陈述的其余部分定下基调,包括确立你对所学科目的热情和兴趣,并向学校介绍你的个性。 首先考虑一下你随着时间的推移所获得的技能、知识和兴趣,以及大学课程将如何推动它们发展。 你的大多数申请材料及其支持文档都传达了你迄今为止学术生涯的简单事实。你的个人陈述是将这些事实放在背景中并向评估员展示你如何进步与加强你的学术知识最佳机会。 确保突出你取得的成就的证据(相关领域的高分、奖项或奖学金、研究实习)。 学术工作是我们来到这里最重要的原因,但这也意味着工作经历、实习和志愿服务。个人陈述的很大一部分是精心打造与你的专业经历相符的学术自我叙述,以更全面地展现你作为学者的形象。 从每所大学的网站更多地研究你的课程。学术部门及其工作人员的哪些兴趣或素质使其对你有吸引力? 使用学术部门的网站对他们的研究、学术人员和课程信息有一个概览 [...]